AMANDA B. MONIZ, PH.D. is the National Museum of American History’s David M. Rubenstein Curator of Philanthropy. Her book, From Empire to Humanity: The American Revolution and the Origins of Humanitarianism (Oxford University Press, 2016), was awarded ARNOVA’S inaugural Peter Dobkin Hall History of Philanthropy Book Prize. Her work involves curating a long-term exhibit, Giving in America, and building the Smithsonian's collection of objects telling stories about the diverse cultures and practices of Americans' experiences with philanthropy. Two focused projects within that broad endeavor are the History of African American Fundraising Collecting Initiative, pursued in collaboration with several colleagues, and the War and Latina/o Philanthropy Collecting Initiative, which has received support from the Smithsonian’s Latino Initiatives Pool, a federal fund managed by the National Museum of the American Latino. In addition, she is working on a biography of Isabella Graham, the Scottish immigrant widow who transformed philanthropy in early-national New York City.