Maggie Loredo (She/Her/Ella) is executive director and co-founder of Otros Dreams en Acción in Mexico City, Mexico. She grew up undocumented in the United States and in 2008 was forcibly returned to México, where Loredo has been living for the last 15 years. Loredo contributed to the book, Los Otros Dreamers (And(Anderson and Solis, 2014) and co-authored the introduction of the second edition, Lxs Otrxs Dreamers (Anderson and Solis, 2021). Since 2013, Loredo accompanies and organizes with her deported and returned community. Along with her community, Loredo advocates for family reunification, a dignified return, and mobility for all through an intersectional, collective, and narrative approach. She has participated in academic spaces, international media, and co-authored publications across borders.  She is co-producer of the podcast “Pochas So What” and she is also currently accompanying as impact producer the campaign for El Digno Retorno, a film directed and produced by Jose Eduardo Aguilar.